1. Vietnamese Intellectual Property Laws


  • Comprehensive Framework: Vietnam has a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of intellectual property (IP), including copyright, trademark, patent, and industrial design laws.
  • Adherence to International Treaties: Vietnam is a member of several international IP treaties, such as the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention, and the TRIPS Agreement, which provide a framework for the protection of foreign IP rights.


  • Protected Works: Copyright protects literary, artistic, and musical works, including books, articles, software, films, and music.
  • Exclusive Rights: Copyright holders have exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display their works.
  • Duration: Copyright protection in Vietnam typically lasts for the life of the author plus 50 years.


  • Distinctive Signs: Trademarks protect distinctive signs used to identify goods or services, such as brand names, logos, and slogans.
  • Registration: Trademark registration is not mandatory, but it provides stronger legal protection.
  • Duration: Trademark registration in Vietnam is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely.


  • Inventions: Patents protect inventions that are new, inventive, and capable of industrial application.
  • Exclusive Rights: Patent holders have exclusive rights to exploit their inventions, including manufacturing, using, and selling the patented product.
  • Duration: Patent protection in Vietnam is valid for 20 years from the filing date.

Industrial Design:

  • Ornamental Appearance: Industrial designs protect the ornamental appearance of products, such as the shape, configuration, or pattern of an article.
  • Registration: Industrial design registration is required to obtain legal protection.
  • Duration: Industrial design protection is valid for 10 years from the filing date.

Enforcement Mechanisms:

  • Civil Remedies: In case of IP infringement, the rights holder may seek civil remedies, such as injunctions, damages, and seizure of infringing goods.
  • Criminal Remedies: In certain cases, IP infringement may be considered a criminal offense, leading to fines or imprisonment.

It's important to understand the specific laws and regulations governing the type of IP you wish to protect in Vietnam.


2. Registration and Protection Procedures


  • Automatic Protection: Copyright protection in Vietnam arises automatically upon the creation of the work.
  • Registration: While registration is not mandatory, it can provide additional evidence of ownership and facilitate enforcement.
  • Procedures: The registration process typically involves submitting a copy of the work and completing a registration form.


  • Registration: Trademark registration is recommended to establish exclusive rights and facilitate enforcement.
  • Application: Submit an application to the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) along with the required documents and fees.
  • Examination and Publication: The NOIP will examine the application and publish it for opposition.
  • Grant of Registration: If no valid oppositions are filed, the trademark will be granted.


  • Application: Submit a patent application to the NOIP, including a detailed description of the invention and drawings.
  • Examination: The NOIP will conduct a substantive examination to determine the novelty, inventiveness, and industrial applicability of the invention.
  • Grant of Patent: If the invention meets the requirements, a patent will be granted.

Industrial Design:

  • Application: Apply the NOIP, including drawings or photographs of the industrial design.
  • Examination: The NOIP will examine the application to determine the novelty and originality of the design.
  • Grant of Registration: If the design meets the requirements, it will be registered.

Fees and Timelines:

  • Fees: Registration fees vary depending on the type of IP and the complexity of the application.
  • Timelines: The processing time for registration can vary, but it generally takes several months.

It's important to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance on the registration and protection procedures for your intellectual property.


3. Enforcement of IP Rights

Civil Remedies:

  • Injunctions: Courts may issue injunctions to prevent further infringement of IP rights.
  • Damages: Rights holders may seek damages to compensate for financial losses caused by infringement.
  • Seizure of Infringing Goods: Infringing goods may be seized and destroyed.

Criminal Remedies:

  • Fines and Imprisonment: In certain cases, IP infringement may be considered a criminal offense, leading to fines or imprisonment.
  • Criminal Investigation: The authorities may conduct criminal investigations into suspected IP infringement.

Customs Enforcement:

  • Border Measures: Customs authorities can seize and destroy counterfeit or pirated goods at the border.
  • Cooperation: Vietnamese customs authorities cooperate with international organizations and other countries to combat IP infringement.

Role of Vietnamese Authorities:

  • IP Enforcement Agencies: There are specialized agencies in Vietnam responsible for enforcing IP rights, such as the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP).
  • Investigations: These agencies may conduct investigations into suspected IP infringement and take appropriate action.

It's important to be proactive in protecting your IP rights and to take appropriate legal action if you suspect infringement.


4. Licensing and Technology Transfer

Licensing Agreements:

  • Grant of Rights: A licensing agreement grants a licensee the right to use or exploit the licensor's intellectual property (IP) under certain terms and conditions.
  • Royalty Payments: The licensee typically pays royalties to the licensor in exchange for the right to use the IP.
  • Negotiation: Licensing agreements are negotiated between the parties and can vary widely in terms and conditions.

Technology Transfer:

  • Transfer of Know-How: Technology transfer involves the transfer of technical knowledge, expertise, or other intangible assets.
  • Agreements: Technology transfer agreements can be separate from licensing agreements or combined into a single agreement.
  • Confidentiality: Technology transfer agreements often include confidentiality provisions to protect sensitive information.

Taxation and Royalty Payments:

  • Tax Implications: Licensing and technology transfer agreements may have tax implications for both the licensor and the licensee.
  • Royalty Payments: Royalty payments may be subject to withholding taxes in Vietnam.
  • Tax Treaties: Double taxation agreements between Vietnam and other countries can help reduce the tax burden.

It's recommended to consult with legal and tax professionals to understand the specific tax implications of licensing and technology transfer agreements in Vietnam.


5. Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Strategies to Combat Counterfeiting:

  • Product Authentication: Implement measures to authenticate your products and make it difficult for counterfeiters to replicate them. This can include unique product identifiers, security features, or tamper-evident packaging.
  • Supply Chain Management: Strengthen your supply chain management practices to minimize the risk of counterfeit products entering the market. This can involve conducting due diligence on suppliers and distributors.
  • Consumer Education: Raise awareness among consumers about the dangers of counterfeit products and the importance of purchasing genuine goods.
  • Intellectual Property Enforcement: Actively enforce your IP rights against counterfeiters through legal action, customs enforcement, and other measures.

Customs Enforcement:

  • Border Controls: Work with customs authorities to strengthen border controls and prevent the importation of counterfeit goods.
  • Seizure and Destruction: Customs officials can seize and destroy counterfeit products that are found at the border.
  • Cooperation: Collaborate with international law enforcement agencies to combat cross-border counterfeiting.

Consumer Awareness:

  • Education Campaigns: Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the risks of purchasing counterfeit products.
  • Brand Protection: Promote consumer awareness of your brand and the importance of purchasing genuine products.

By implementing effective anti-counterfeiting measures, you can protect your brand and reduce the economic impact of counterfeiting.


6. International Treaties and Conventions

Paris Convention:

  • Protection of Industrial Property: Vietnam is a signatory to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
  • National Treatment: The Convention grants foreign nationals the same rights as Vietnamese nationals in relation to industrial property.
  • Priority Right: The Convention provides a priority right for foreign applicants, allowing them to file patent or trademark applications in other member countries within a certain period without losing their priority date.

Berne Convention:

  • Protection of Literary and Artistic Works: Vietnam is also a signatory to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
  • Automatic Protection: The Convention grants automatic copyright protection to literary and artistic works, regardless of nationality.
  • Moral Rights: The Convention protects the moral rights of authors, such as the right to attribution and the right to object to derogatory treatment of their works.

TRIPS Agreement:

  • Part of the WTO: The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements.
  • Minimum Standards: The TRIPS Agreement sets minimum standards for the protection of intellectual property rights among WTO members.
  • Dispute Settlement: The WTO's dispute settlement mechanism can be used to resolve disputes related to IP rights.

Other Treaties:

  • Bilateral Agreements: Vietnam may also have bilateral agreements with other countries that provide additional protection for intellectual property rights.

These international treaties provide a framework for the protection of intellectual property rights in Vietnam and facilitate cooperation between countries in this area.


Importance of Legal Counsel:

  • Understanding Vietnamese Law: Navigating the complex legal framework for intellectual property in Vietnam requires specialized knowledge and expertise.
  • Protection of Rights: A qualified attorney can help protect your intellectual property rights and enforce them if necessary.
  • Guidance and Support: Legal counsel can provide guidance throughout the entire IP process, from registration to enforcement.

Choosing a Qualified Attorney:

  • Specialization: Look for an attorney who specializes in intellectual property law in Vietnam.
  • Experience: Consider the attorney's experience in handling similar cases and their track record of success.
  • Language Proficiency: If you do not speak Vietnamese fluently, ensure that the attorney is proficient in the language.

Legal Services:

  • Registration and Protection: An attorney can assist with the registration and protection of your intellectual property.
  • Enforcement: If your IP rights are infringed, an attorney can represent you in legal proceedings to enforce your rights.
  • Licensing and Technology Transfer: Legal counsel can help you negotiate licensing and technology transfer agreements.
  • Dispute Resolution: An attorney can represent you in any legal disputes related to your intellectual property.

By consulting with a qualified legal professional, you can increase your chances of successfully protecting and enforcing your intellectual property rights in Vietnam.


8. Conclusion

Protecting intellectual property rights in Vietnam as a foreigner can be challenging due to the unique legal framework and cultural considerations. Understanding Vietnamese IP laws, registration procedures, enforcement mechanisms, licensing and technology transfer, anti-counterfeiting measures, international treaties, and the role of legal counsel is essential for a successful outcome.

By seeking legal advice from qualified professionals and taking proactive steps to protect your IP rights, you can increase your chances of success in the Vietnamese market.

If you need further explanation on this subject, please don't hesitate to contact us through email at lienhe@luatminhkhue.vn or phone at: +84986 386 648—lawyer To Thi Phuong Dzung.