Minh Khue Law Firm is one of the earliest companies to enter the market, an area that is expected to grow strongly in the future, although it is currently only developing at the initial stages. The company's team in finance and banking focuses on capital markets and foreign exchange transactions, equitization and transformation of state-owned banks into joint stock banks, and the inclusion of Introduce and apply international theories and practices in the governance of credit institutions in the context of Vietnam.
Our banking and finance lawyers include the company's best lawyers, lawyers with outstanding legal knowledge and skills, and business acumen. We actively participate in the reform of Vietnamese law in this important area, based on the knowledge and practice gained from daily work.
Financial, tax and banking law consultancy services:
Our service addresses all the issues that customers may encounter in this area. From the establishment and operation of domestic or foreign-invested financial institutions, advice on investing in financial funds, to the provision of legal advice and expert advice on bank loans including syndicated loans, preparation and review of contractual agreements; registration of secured transactions, evaluation of the legal framework and financial risks for project financing. Our knowledge and legal skills will be used reasonably for specific aspects of the customer's business. We also have extensive experience in providing the legal structure expected for customers to choose to use to achieve business goals.
In addition, Minh Khue Law Firm is one of the very few domestic consulting firms required to provide consultancy services to government agencies, including the Ministry of Finance (especially in the field of the State Securities Commission (especially in the development of the capital market), and the State Bank of Vietnam (for the development of the money market and for the enhancement of the market for capital). It has become a more modern and independent central bank for government agencies, focusing more on the main task of managing monetary policy.
Translated from: Luật sư tư vấn pháp luật tài chính, thuế và ngân hàng
Phone to request for legal consultancy service, call: 0986.386.648 (Lawyer, Mrs. Dzung)
Online legal consultancy office and appointment for a consultation at the office: 1900.6162
Email: lienhe@luatminhkhue.vn
Look forward to cooperation with clients!
Best regards./.