Minh Khue Law Firm advises to complete the registration procedures for copyright for clients - within 05 working days you will receive the copyright certificate.
>> Call the lawyer for consultancy on intellectual property: 0986 38 66 48
1. Protected literary, artistic and scientific works include:
- Literature, science, textbooks, and other works are expressed in the form of letters or other characters;
- Lectures, speeches and other presentations;
- Press works;
- Musical works;
- Stage works;
- Cinematographic works and works created under the same method (hereinafter referred collectively to as cinematographic works);
- Works of art, applied art;
- Photographic works;
- Architectural works;
- Diagrams, maps and drawings related to the topography or scientific works;
- Literary and folklore works;
- Computer programs, data collection
2. Documents Required for Submission of Copyright Applications:
2.1. If the subject of registration is the owner and the author/co-authors
- Three copies of the work to be registered;
- information about the published work; publication time; place of publication; form of publication;
- Authorization letter of the author/co-authors (form of MKLAW FIRM);
- A copy of the identity card of the author/authors
- Name, pseudonym (if any), address, telephone number, fax of the author/co-authors.
- Written commitment of the author/co-author (form of MKLAW FIRM)
2.2. If the subject of registration is the owner who is not simultaneously the author (organization, company)
- Three copies of the work to be registered;
- information about the published work; publication time; place of publication; form of publication;
- Authorization letter of the author/co-authors (form of MKLAW FIRM);
- A paper transferring the work from the author/co-authors to the organization or company (with signature confirmation); or the written confirmation of work applied for registration is a work performed according to the task (1 copy);
- A notarized copy of the business registration certificate (1 copy);
- A copy of the identity card of the author/authors
- Name, pseudonym (if any), address, telephone number, fax of the author/co-authors.
- Written commitment of the author/co-author (form of MKLAW FIRM)
3. Minh Khue Law Firm provides clients with all legal services related to copyright and related rights as follows:
a. Legal advice for domestic and foreign clients on issues related to copyright protection and related rights, including:
- Look up information related to copyright registration;
- Consulting and representing clients to carry out procedures for registration of copyright and related rights;
- Legal consultancy, representing clients in the negotiation and drafting of contracts for the use of works, contracts for transfer of works and other contracts related to copyright;
- Appeal decisions related to the granting or cancellation of the validity of the copyright certificate;
b. Consulting and legal representation for domestic and foreign clients involved in the enforcement of copyright and related rights, including: Consulting and coordinating with state authorities to resolve disputes violate copyright and related rights. Participating in court proceedings as a lawyer protecting the interests of clients.
4. Why should you choose Minh Khue Law Firm?
+ Minh Khue Law Firm is the representative office of intellectual property (Intellectual Property Organization No. 226 of the National Office of Intellectual Property), we have full legal functions to support you. Domestic and foreign affairs in the field of copyright and intellectual property in Vietnam according to current regulations.
+ The prestige team of lawyers has been confirmed in more than 10 years of operation. This is partly reflected when lawyers of Minh Khue Law Firm are always broadcasted by Vietnam Television (VTV1, VTV3, VTV6 ...), Voice of Vietnam (VOV2 ..), People's Television, e.g. and invited to attend legal forums as leading experts in areas including Intellectual Property.
>> Call the lawyer for consultancy on intellectual property: 0986 38 66 48
Lawyer: Mrs. To Thi Phuong Dung is responding to 24-hour movement on dealing with copyright infringement on the internet
Translated from: Dịch vụ đăng ký bản quyền tác giả
For more information, please contact: MINH KHUE LAW FIRM CO., LTD
Telephone inquiries: Tel: 0243-9916057 Mobile: 0986 11 66 05
Consult and request for Intellectual Property protection service 24/7, call 0986.386.648
Email: lienhe@luatminhkhue.vn
Look forward to cooperation with clients!
Best regards./.
Intellectual Property Department - Minh Khue Law Firm