Circular No. 15/2015/TT-BYT dated June 26, 2015 of the Ministry of Health guiding the medical examination and treatment by health insurance for HIV-Positive people and people using HIV/AIDS related health care services
Pursuant to the Law on health insurance;
Pursuant to the Law on Medical examination and treatment;
Pursuant to the Law on HIV/AIDS prevention;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 63/2012/ND-CP dated August 31, 2012 by the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 105/2014/ND-CP dated November 15, 2014 by the Government providing guidance on a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance;
The Minister of Health promulgates this Circular providing guidance on medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance for people living with HIV and people using HIV/AIDS-related health care services as follows:
Article 1. Scope of adjustment and subject of application
1. Health insurance-covered medical facilities.
2. Health insurance-covered medical facilities treating HIV-positive people with antiretroviral drugs (ARV).
3. Medical facilities treating infected people with ARV according to the regulations in the Circular No. 09/2011/TT-BYT dated January 26th, 2011 by the Minister of Health.
4. People having health insurance who are HIV-positive or use HIV/AIDS-related medical services.
5. This Circular does not apply to HIV-positive people having health insurance who are in detentions, temporary detentions, compulsory education establishments, reform schools, compulsory rehabilitation centers, social protection establishments.