Circular No. 22/2015/TT-BTNMT dated May 28, 2015 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment stipulating the environmental protection in the process of using drilling fluids; waste management and environmental monitoring for offshore oil and gas operations
Pursuant to the Law on Environmental Protection adopted in 2014;
Pursuant to the Law on Petroleum adopted in 1993; the Law on Amendment and Supplementation to the Law on Petroleum adopted in 2000; the Law on Amendment and Supplementation to the Law on Petroleum adopted in 2008;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 21/2013/ND-CP dated March 4, 2013 on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
After considering the request made by the Director of the General Department of Environment and the Director of the Department of Legal Affairs;
The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment hereby provides regulations on the environmental protection in the process of using drilling fluids; waste management and environmental monitoring for offshore oil and gas operations,
Article 1. Scope of adjustment and subject of application
1. This Circular provides regulations on the environmental protection in the process of using drilling fluids; waste management and environmental monitoring for offshore oil and gas operations.
2. This Circular shall apply to the environment administration agency, organization or individual engaged in gas and oil-related operations within territorial waters, exclusive economic zones and continental shelves of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Article 2. Interpretation of terms
Terms used herein shall be construed as follows:
1. Offshore oil and gas operations refer to exploration, extraction, transportation, storage and processing of gas and oil as well as rendering of other technical services directly related to these operations which take place on the sea.
2. Petroleum organization refers to any individual or organization carrying out oil and gas operations on the sea in accordance with legal regulations.
3. Oil and gas facilities refer to a wide range of mobile or fixed drilling rigs, works, equipment and other structures used for offshore oil and gas operations.
4. Drilling fluid refers to circulated fluids used in the process of oil and gas exploration and extraction drilling in order to remove drill cuttings from drilled wells and control formation pressures, cool and lubricate drill bits, transmit hydraulic energy to drill bits, seal permeable formations and maintain well bores.
5. Water - based drilling fluid – WBDF refers to the drilling mud containing water as the continuous phase and other additives.
6. Non – aqueous drilling fluid – NADF refers to the drilling mud containing the synthetic oil as the continuous phase and other additives.
7. Food waste refers to leftovers generated during daily activities that occur on drilling rigs and extraction rigs and aboard ships.
8. Environmentally sensitive area includes natural sanctuaries, national parks, museums, world heritage sites, biosphere reserves and scenic beauty sites which have been ranked.
9. MARPOL convention or MARPOL 73/78 is short for the International Convention for the prevention of marine pollution from ships.