Resolution No. 96/2015/QH13 dated June 26, 2015 of the National Assembly promoting the measures for preventing and avoiding criminal injustice and misjudgment and compensation for victims suffering injustice in criminal procedure
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
Pursuant to the Law on supervisory activities of the National Assembly No. 05/2003 / QH11;
Pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 74/2014 / QH13 on the program of supervisory activities of National Assembly in 2015;
Considering the Standing committee of the National Assembly’s Report on the supervision result No. 870 / BC-UBTVQH13 dated May 20, 2015 on "Injustice in the application of criminal law, criminal procedure and the compensation for victims of injustice in criminal procedures as prescribed by law “and opinions given by the National Assembly deputies,
Article 1
National Assembly recognizes, highly appreciates the efforts of investigating Agency, agencies assigned to conduct some investigation, Procuracy and Courts at all levels in the investigation, prosecution and trial which basically ensure that the verdicts are delivered to the right people in accordance with their crime and the law. However, there are still a number of cases of injustice including serious cases, causing a sensation in the public opinion; there are some cases in which compensation is slowly paid tofor victims of injustice. Preventing and avoiding criminal injustice and misjudgments are still limited and inadequate compared to the requirements for fighting against crime, protection of human rights, lawful rights and interests of citizens.
Article 2
To create a fundamental change without any injustice and to ensure compensation for the victims of injustice in criminal procedures, the National Assembly assigns the Government, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuracy to implement the following tasks and measures: